Due to the unprecedented ice storm, we lost power last Monday, didn’t get it back until Thursday night, and still don’t have internet as I type this Friday morning. I have no idea when this will be posted. At least we have a generator, so we were warm. And, unlike too many of our neighbors in Texas, we never lost water. It’s interesting trying to write when you can’t just look things up. It’s the way of my childhood but I have had the internet on tap for almost the entirety of my adulthood and have gotten used to the ease of it.

So much to write about. Rush Limbaugh is dead. The storm. Texas. The bittersweet brief return to Copenhagen. And yet I find myself stymied.

It is now Tuesday. I am going to postdate this for Sunday, but I am not going to fill in for the missed post the week before. Shit happens and the space will be a reminder that when it does the world doesn’t end.

Instead, I am going to talk about my podcast. Yep, I am late to the game. Like this blog the podcast has been something that had been in my brain for years. During that time my cousin, the other James Brown and his friend Knick Moore had a years long podcast through Red Stch!ck that has come and gone called Dorque.

My hopeful partner in this endeavor is one of my oldest friends who, fortunately for her, lives in France* meaning that our co-hosting will have to be through Voice over Internet Protocol, probably Skype. Since I am doing the whole thing through Audacity which cannot record VoIP calls it means that I am having to go deeper into software than anticipated.

But it will work out.

There is always a learning curve. This blog has been ongoing for three years now and I still haven’t figured out much beyond the most basic technicals. I haven’t even begun to understand search engine optimization. However, the evil of Google and Facebook are much clearer to me. A conversation for another time.

*Not that France is Utopia or paradise. It’s just that the US is the Texas of the economically exploited world- A big country with a high opinion of itself despite crippling issues with infrastructure and human rights while France is France.