The morning.

Wake up at six, write in my dream journal, and allow myself half an hour to get functional.

No social media! This is going to be a rough habit to break as I tend to grab my phone first thing. And social media, for me that’s: Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, sucks me right in. So, phones and tablet go in another room the night before.

Move. Do sun salutations, stretch, do something that gets the body moving and stops me from curling up on the sofa with my phone.

Six thirty to seven thirty I work on this. My blog. Content, of course. Figuring out what to prioritize, besides content, to make it better- and to make money, is the next goal.

Seven thirty I wake Lil Bit. Hopefully, with adherence to this schedule she’ll start waking on her own about this time. She’s down from sleeping twelve hours a night to sleeping ten, which is still in a good range for an almost three year old. Especially since she still naps an hour to an hour and a half.

SM takes Lil bit to nursery about eightish. From eight thirty to nine thirty I head off on my morning walk. Honestly, it’s been more of a morning meander so I need to up the intensity. When I get home it’s yoga and Pilates for thirty minutes alternating every other day.

Between ten and ten thirty is meditation and visualization. I will start with one minute and add a minute every week until I get to twenty. Afterwards I will journal then head to the shower.


After showering I will fix, eat, and clean up brunch. This will be from roughly eleven to noon. This is also when I read for pleasure. I know, I know. They say that when we eat we should focus on eating. On the food, the taste and texture of it. How are bodies feel as we eat. But this is pretty much the only time during the day I get to read for fun.

From twelve to one I will take care of chores, errands, shopping, meal planning. From one to two I’ll clean. Then half an hour of art and twenty minutes of language study before I leave to get Lil Bit for three.

I give Lil Bit a fruit snack and we head straight from nursery to the playground until four fifteen. Then we come home for quiet play time: blocks, coloring, reading, etc.


Depending on what I am cooking dinner prep can take thirty minutes to an hour. This is screen time for Lil Bit. Six to six thirty is eating dinner and six thirty to seven is clean up. Seven to seven forty-five is time for SM and Lil Bit. During this time I will go back to work on the blog. Seven forty-five to eight fifteen is Lil Bit’s bath time. At eight thirty we brush our teeth and read books. Bedtime is eight fifty. If she is asleep by nine this gives Lil Bit ten hours, which as mentioned, is what she’s been sleeping.

From nine to tenish will be grown up time with SM. He needs *at least* eight a night so he heads off at ten to wake up at sevenish. I need seven, as in I wake up after seven hours, so I’ll do some work on the blog or read until ten thirty, do my nightly ablutions, and slip in a bit a yoga (nidra?) before dreamland.

What’s your schedule?