Lika is a mixed race (Black/white) woman in the late 19th century, steampunk style, investigating a murder with the use of cold logic and a great deal of tenacity. The War Between the States, kicked off by a coordinated rebellion of her Black ancestors, meant that whites and Black people were equal under the law. The city even had a Black mayor. But the real power remained in the hands of those that held it from the country’s inception. 

Being Black could still be difficult. Being a woman was often so. Especially on the force. Lika’s current case involved a tough, working class white man, Brandon, accused of murdering his wife. Lika proves he didn’t do it but just because he is innocent didn’t mean he is an innocent. Brandon is an enflamed boil on the anus of all of those with whom he he comes in contact.

A virulent racist he turns his anger toward the detective and her daughter, Viola. Deeply invested in the white supremacist patriarchy challenged by the War Between the States Bandon’s ego could not abide being investigated, much less cleared/saved by a Black person- especially a woman. He begins stalking her family, cornering and slapping her young daughter hard enough to swell Viola’s cheek and blacken her eye.

Lika’s best friend is in the military. On the front lines of what they are calling the Last War Raia knows something is up. But when she starts to get too close they try to kill her. They do a good enough job of it that Raia is able to use the attack to fake her death with the help of the one military contact she trusts, absolutely.

Back in the city, Lika continues to investigate the murder of the wife of the white supremacist even as she is being stalked by him. Brandon gets roaring drunk and starts dragging his kids around talking shit about how the detective besmirched his name by reporting his attack on her daughter using his own, terrified offspring as an example of how he would never harm a child.

The detective spots him on the subway and hurriedly removes herself and Viola. Unwilling to allow the two children to remain with their abusive father for another minute, protocol be damned, Lika ambushes Brandon. While he is incapacitated she takes all three children and makes a run for it, thankful that she had switched to the fashionable split skirts and more comfortable, soft sided corset. Unfortunately, a large man, he is not down long and gives chase.

She is spotted by Robert Downey fucking Junior who offers her a lift but is going to the studio. The entry to the studio is on foot only. Parking and walking to the entrance allows the (even further) enraged widower to almost catch up with them. Jr. looks behind and, with a swear, clockwork armor covers his hand and he crashes through the reinforced studio door.

The detective ushers the children through but cannot help pointing out that the now broken door will not provide a true barrier to their attacker. Jr. replies that, “At least, on this side, there are armed guards,” even as members of the private garrison come running around the corner and draw their weaponsq on Jr. and the detective. He shouts, “Not us, you idiots, that moron!” A hole tunnels through the ground and an Asgardian creature appears and begins to taunt the white supremacist. It is only then that they realize how much Brandon looks like Chris Hemsworth- when his face is not twisted with rage.

Fortunately, the actual Chris Hemsworth shows up and chastises the beast for mistaking such a low form for the mighty Thor. Unfortunately, the worship of Asgard by white supremacists enables Brandon to accept the powers of the beast once the beast sees that Brandon seeks to destroy Thor and Ironman. The white supremacist is twisted and enlarged as he taps into the power of a berserker. As Iron Man, his clockwork armor now covering his entire body, and the true Thor turn to face their attacker Lika struggles to accept, against all logic, that the Avengers are not mere characters on the holoscreens.

At the front…
Tentacles from the breach are reaching into this world. The detective’s friend, Raia, armed with only her military issue pistol, knows she is doomed. Desperately, she taps out a warning on the, mmc, mobile Morse coder, every soldier is issued when Captain fucking America lands beside her and says, “Don’t give up just yet, soldier.” And he is not alone. Falcon, Ant Man, and the Wasp are with him. Hope in her heart and focused on the mission she replies, “We’ve got to close the breach!” The team look at each other and nod. Then get to work.