I’ve started a class, y’all! This means that besides being in the house with my family all day, all night, day after day after day I’ve got to read a textbook written in academicese and answer questions that are probably easier than it feels like they are but I’m trying to be perfect so am totally overthinking EVERYTHING. So, it’s actually quite nice to reflect back to a time when things were a bit more leisurely.

These three places are where to go if you want to spend little to no money yet have a lovely time. All three are in Mouille Point on or practically on the water. Along the promenade there is mini golf which our four-year-old loved. It’s basic. There are no clowns or windmills and, thanks to the continuing water shortage, the water hazards are more a factor for imagination. But it was about thirty rand, around a buck fifty, per person per game to play eighteen holes. While the grounds may not be super fancy the views are amazing. Every time you look up you’re looking out over the Atlantic and the waves crashing against the seawall are a constant serenade. Highly recommended if you have kids but we saw plenty of couples and friends playing and enjoying themselves.

A little further down is Blue Train Park. We learned later that the 60+ year old Blue Train is the last surviving operational beachfront mini railway in South Africa. Entrance to the park, again about thirty grand, includes a ride on the old blue train. The ark also offers a zip line which we couldn’t get LB off of, a bouncy castle, skate park, soccer/football pitch, a climbing wall, the usual play equipment, a café with treats and light snacks, and lots and lots of room to run. Right next door is a public playground which is where the bathrooms are located. The public playground has play areas for younger and older kids.

The other two places were cheap, but Green Point Park is free! The full name, Green Point Urban Park and Biodiversity Garden, gives a better idea of what to expect. There are two play areas, one for six and under and one for older kids. My four-year-old loved both. There are gardens, wetlands, and vast swaths of rolling green for play and picnics. My description does not do this place justice. It’s gorgeous, and well worth the visit. Especially with kids.

This is a short one but my nose has exploded and is itchy, itchy, itchy! Trying not to panic about covfefe-19.