I hear the siren but pull out anyway. Not that I think human lives are worthless. I mean, I do, but that’s not why I pull out. The car has a siren going but no lights. There is no way a deaf person could know to get out of the way. So, I figure it isn’t an emergency. When the blue lights flash behind me I can’t hide my smile.

Taking off my helmet I wait for the officer to appear in the mirror of my bike. Big, aggressive, it is also silent. I feel no need to intimidate and irritate the masses with something roaring between my legs.

“Ma’am, do you know why I am pulling you over?”

“Nope,” I reply letting my gaze wander through the buildings and the traffic. The officer begins to get annoyed at not being the center of my focus.

“Failure to give way to an emergency vehicle. I’m going to have to write you a ticket.”

“I didn’t see any lights.”

“The lights weren’t on, just the siren.”

“That explains it. You do realize deaf people drive? That’s why emergency lights are to be on if the siren is blaring. The siren is secondary.”

“Are you claiming deafness? We’ve been talking for five minutes.” His takes slow perusal of my body. “You can’t claim to be some kind of gimp.”

Eyes narrow I say, “I can read lips in more languages than you are aware exist.”

The officer flips shut his book. “They shouldn’t let people like you drive.”

My body shifts. Eyelids falling to halfmast I look at him through thick lashes. Sliding off the bike my leathers display the perfection of this human flesh suit I am wearing. My pink tongue flicks out to moisten plump lips.

“How rude,” I say as my mouth touches his.

A man who is both weak and stupid he responds enthusiastically. At my leisure I decide what to take from him. I debate stripping him of his libido but decide he is the type to react with violence to emasculation. It was not my goal to add more violence to this world. Instead I took his sense of smell. Linked to taste and memory it is a powerful thing most do not appreciate until it is gone.
