Ok, y’all. I just forgot. This week has passed by like an ambulance on fire. I keep seeing all these posts about the Great Pause and what is everybody doing with all this free time? I know this includes a lot of people, but I can’t help thinking it does not include most of us.
My previous schedule included mornings at the gym where LB could play with other kids in the daycare. Storytime at the library where I could get some studying done. Soccer practice and tennis lessons where I could get some work done. And many an afternoon at the playground. Now we have none of that. SM and I trade off on LB detail but LB is still getting way more screen time.
We’re lucky. We have a yard. We can go hiking and bike riding. We have each other. SM’s job can be done anywhere and my classes are online. And LB has been incredibly amazing. But. Fuck. I don’t remember the last time I hugged Dad or touched anyone outside of my immediate family. SM is great but he is a more social animal and being confined to just our company is wearing on him. Meanwhile pretty much always having someone around is not very healthy for me.
And this is most of the people I know. Extroverts unable to get out, see people, interact, and get their groove on. Introverts trapped with beloved family members. Everyone trying not to go Jack Torrance. We’ve got kids at home who need schooling and want our attention while we are trying to work, to study, to get done all of the shit that always needs getting done around the apartment, the house, the yard. Meal prepping so you can keep the shopping down to once a week or less.
And that’s not even getting into the stress of it all. LB literally fell down to her knees and begged to go to a restaurant. For the first time I am happy that our neighborhood is on the cusp of changing over from elderly back to young families. It means there are fewer kids for LB to watch with her face against the window as they play without her.
This doesn’t even include the millions of essential workers, like my brothers, who have to go out and expose themselves every day.

The other post is coming. Stay safe, stay inside, be well.